アクティビティ紹介 アクティビティ紹介 いろんなアクティビティを動画で紹介しています。楽しく英語を学びましょう。 英語の歌 Hello Song Good bye Song Seven Steps Open Shut Them - Body Parts Open Shut Them - Opposites Head, Shoulders Clap Your Hands Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Row Row Row Your Boat Rock Scissors Paper Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree I'm a Little Teapot Do Re Mi Song If You're Happy and You Know It Hokey Pokey Old MacDonald Had a Farm Five little monkeys It's a small world 英語の歌 メドレー30分 1,2,3,4,5 Once I Caught a Fish Alive Itsy-Bitsy Spider London Bridge The Big Ship Sails on The Ally-Ally-Oh Weather Song Days of the Week Hot Cross Buns Humpty Dumpty Ten Little Indians We wish you a Merry Christmas Jingle Bells Little Snowflake ABC Song Knock knock, trick or treat? (Halloween) Jack-o’-lantern (Halloween) Go away! (Halloween) Are you sleeping Johnny works with one hammer Hickory dickory dock B-I-N-G-O The wheels on the bus Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream? 英語の読み聞かせ The Very Hungry Caterpillar 読み聞かせ Brown Bear,Brown Bear,What Do You See?読み聞かせ Brown Bear,Brown Bear,What Do You See?Ver.2 読み聞かせ Boo! (Halloween) 読み聞かせ 英語の発音 Counting Color Opposites